Comicbooks, vinyl & rockenroll nerd life
Just a little teaser & plug for our yankee friends Red Hot Rebellion’s new project! Awesome band, relentless rockenroll with the greatness of a nerdy love to the scene. Can’t get better… Now, a badass comicbook and accompanying concept album. The last comic enclosed in the last slab of vinyl was awesome, just lemme tell ya! Now they took the concept one step further, & we all know that desperate times takes desperate measures… so the talents of Scrap/Seven Sisters artist Chris Martin for amazing pencils and juicy full-blooded colors by IDW colorist Julie Wright was recruited for the 28 page book to go with the 13 track album. Now, the comic and album are two parts of the same story in an alien monster lofi horror sci fi vain… nifty, eh?
As always with us rockenroll peddlers the funding is the only set back… wanna help the guys out? So put the money where YOUR mouth is at http://redhotrebellion.com/kickstarter as you wait for the upcoming single from Toto Y Los Ritardos Psychodelic out in march!